Valhalla Protocol (VAL) Live Price


Valhalla Protocol (VAL) Live Price

Where can Valhalla Protocol be traded?

You can trade Valhalla Protocol on PancakeSwap (v2). Popular trading pairs for Valhalla Protocol in the market includes VAL/USDVAL/CADVAL/EURVAL/PHPVAL/INR, and VAL/IDR.

Valhalla is a decentralized & distributed layer 2 deep-learning training protocol on the BNB Smart Chain. Providing cost-efficient & faster training of deep neural networks.

Valhalla solves latency issues by chunking the data into small pieces (bytes), maintaining its identity, and then distributing it across a host of devices with a call to action: gradient calculations. This is how deep-learning training takes place in our ecosystem using BNB Smart Chain and incentivizing those who contribute with their computing resources in exchange for Valhalla Tokens.